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Nicole's Chocolatey Coconutty Chia Seed Pudding

Writer: hannahcmapeshannahcmapes

Listen, I’ve got a sweet tooth like no other but I, along with everyone else, know that eating all the sweets I want isn’t going to do my health much good so I’ve learned a few tricks that have helped me curb my cravings, as well as helped me “slay the sugar dragon” for good.

One of my favorite recipes that not only satisfies my sweet tooth but keeps my tummy from rumbling with all its good fats, healthy nutrients and plant-based protein is Chia Seed Pudding. And since I love coconut and healthy fats…and, well, chocolate- here we are: Nicole’s Chocolatey Coconutty Chia Seed Pudding.

When we think of a snack, or even a dessert, we want to ask ourselves the same questions each time:

1. Will this fuel my body?

2. Will this nourish my body?

3. Will this spike my blood sugar levels?

4. Will I enjoy this?

Numbers 1-3 are important for our health and number 4 is important for our relationship with food. It’s important that we find foods that fuel and nourish without spiking blood sugar as this wreaks havoc on our endocrine system and can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes (but that’s a topic for another day). But, most importantly, we need to enjoy our healthy food otherwise we won’t eat it, right? There are so many nutritious AND delicious options out there that will help our bodies THRIVE. So, let’s do this!

P.S. Here’s a little secret- the more healthy foods you eat, the more you stop craving the junk food. Yesterday after my workout I was craving carrot sticks and pesto chicken. No joke. It’s your bodies way of thanking you for all the nutrients! Keep going! You’ve got this!

Nicole’s Chocolatey Coconutty Chia Seed Pudding – 2 Servings

· ½ Cup Chia Seeds

· ½ Cup FULL FAT canned coconut Milk

· ¾ Cup Almond Milk/Cashew Milk, etc.

· ½ Tablespoon Maple Syrup or Honey

· ¼ Teaspoon Vanilla

· 2 Tablespoons Dark Cocoa Powder

1. Mix Cocoa Powder, Maple Syrup, and Vanilla together until Cocoa powder is mixed in a little. This will make it easier to whisk it thoroughly into milk later.

2. Add milk and chia seeds into mixture and mix all ingredients together until all cocoa powder is smooth.

3. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours but overnight works best.

4. After it’s set you can add some berries, granola, nuts and/or shredded coconut for a nice snack or add some CocoWhip for a nice decadent dessert. Enjoy!

Reasons I chose the ingredients I did-

· Full fat coconut milk- It’s packed with good fats that will keep you full longer and will nourish your body. Low fat foods don’t satisfy us, as well, but they’re so engrained into the American diet (thanks 80’s and 90’s culture for that) that it’s so hard to get low fat/low calorie out of our minds.

· Maple Syrup/Honey- Maple Syrup and Honey have higher levels of fructose than glucose, unlike regular sugar, so they’re naturally sweeter than cane sugar which means we use less of them without sacrificing the taste. Speaking of glucose, … Also, honey especially is packed with vitamins and good for us enzymes. So it’s really a win-win, if we’re going to eat sugar.

Nutritional Facts Per Serving:

Calories- 262

Fat- 21g

Fiber- 9g

Protein- 6g

Carbs- 15g




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